November 27th, 2013
Mommy & Harper picture -- every once in a while I attempt to take a picture of the two of us using the remote. Well if you look close Harper took this picture -- I think she is going to be a pretty good photographer (but her profession is going to be dentistry! -- that is a story for another day)
Movie Afternoon!!
Harper was coming down with a cold and not really herself after her nap today, so I thought it was a perfect afternoon to watch our first movie together! (I was thinking we would watch Frosty or Rudolph or one of those short 30 min movies but we don't own any and couldn't find them on TV -- so Muppets Christmas Carol it is!) She loved it!! You have to understand she has not watched any tv or movies or anything up to this point so she was AMAZED at what was on the tv. I could have left it on the menu screen with Kermit the frog saying "it's time to hit play" for 20 minutes and she would have been a happy camper!! But I hit play and we watched the whole movie. She loved when they sang -- she would clap and dance then move on until she heard another song. It was lots of fun!!