October 22nd, 2013
Potatoe pumpkin painting.
We took the idea off of pinterest and it was probably better off left on pinterest :) It was fun to stamp paint all over the place, BUT it looked nothing like a pumpkin. (Even though I almost lost a finger carving a pumpkin into the potatoe :) But we had a great time! :)
After a morning of painting we went outside for a walk to enjoy the beautiful weather (it isn't going to stay around forever).
Harper found these crazy yellow berries and we had to pick them every time we saw them ( I am hoping - and pretty sure - they aren't poisonous). Either way I made extra sure they never went towards her mouth, she is just a hoarder and had to have them in her hands at all times.
You live on the most awesome piece of land EVER!! I love all these pictures. And don't worry we've had some epic pinterest fails as well....