Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

January 26th, 2015 -- Snow Day


It is snowing and all my clients cancelled so we are going to make the most of this day!! We started the day off with a science experiment -- we put milk in a bowl, added food coloring then dish soap and watched the colors dance all around.  It was cool!  So cool we did it three times :)  Then we had a super special treat and made snow icecream at 10:30 in the morning!  It was delicious and complete with sprinkles and chocolate sauce!!  After that we had a tea party lunch fit for a princess and then jumped in the bath to paint the tub.  I think the tub painting may have been the biggest hit.  She had a grin from ear to ear the whole time!  I think we stayed in there for at least an hour!!  Unfortunately after that was naptime :)  What a great snowday!!


Harper - B&W or Color





January 25th, 2015

Painting dinosaurs!

Today we had tons of fun painting dinosaurs!  The funny thing about paint and Harper is she always manages to end up painting herself more than the paper -- ALWAY!!  I guess part of that is my fault as we are always doing handprints or footprints for different projects.  I did find it funny that after we finished painting our dinosaurs - she wanted to do handprints and she can do them all by herself!!  The last picture is one of our finished dinosaurs - we did one with paint and one with green paper so we had something to do while they dried.  I never thought she would love playing with them as much as she did! 


January 24th, 2015


January 22nd, 2015

No Kisses Mommy!!

Haha I love her face!


Riley 5 months


January 20th, 2015

Well both girls woke up this morning like they stuck their fingers in a light socket! It was a definite bad hair day - I guess they take after their mother - haha  The only way to cure bad hair this bad is a bath for everybody!!

Not only did Harper have crazy hair, she also insisted on dressing up as a cow this morning.  But not just any cow, a princess cow!  Oh what an interesting start to the day :)

She wanted to make sure everyone saw her tail - which is why I had to take a picture of it for her!

Riley Bear!!  
She is really trying to figure out her tongue and lips and all of that - hence the kissy lips :)

And maybe, just maybe all of this no sleep fussiness is caused by this little tooth that poked through.  Look close and you can see it, bottom left, right above her little knuckle.


January 19th, 2015

Jumping princess :)

Harper figured out that when she jumps on the bed Riley cracks up.  So instead of getting ready for nap today she wanted to jump and make Riley laugh and how could I say no :)

This last picture cracks me up because Harper still wears diapers to bed (nap and bedtime), well after getting our diaper on for nap she was really disappointed she didn't have her panties on.  So her bright idea was that she had to have them on but over her pants - so there they are :)  Goofball jumping on the bed with her underwear outside her pants -- she is officially nuts!! 


January 18th, 2015

This is a rarity so I thought I needed to capture it on film!  
Riley does not like to sleep.  It just isn't her thing :(  
In fact I am positive it was about two hours after this peaceful picture was taken she was up screaming.


January 17th, 2015

My baby is no longer a baby :( She is definitely a little girl now!!


January 16th, 2015

Look at those cute little cheeks :)


Greater than Gatsby Actions

I am terrible at editing and yet I have been trying to work at getting better.  They have tools called actions that are a bunch of edits put together and then you basically just tweak those actions to your liking.  Well I have tried a couple different free ones and they have never really helped the picture to much in my mind.  I have always looked at the Greater than Gatsby actions and their pictures are amazing, but you never know if that will really translate onto your pictures.  Anyways, I downloaded the freebies and tried them out on a couple pictures.  I think I really like them!  Now I just either need to win one of their many contests to win the action set or I need to start saving and buy them because I think they really help make my pictures seem pretty nice :)

Here are two pictures I went back and re-edited.


January 11th, 2014

Harper sure is a great big sister!  
"Riley is her friend so she wanted to hold her"

She was holding her for a while and then Riley decided to chew on her finger and Harper thought it was hilarious!  She watches Riley do it to us so she loved that Riley was chewing on her finger!


January 9th, 2015

This morning we were supposed to leave to go to Splash Lagoon in Erie PA with our Michigan Family  -- but of course the weather wasn't so good in Michigan or near Erie so we had to postpone the trip.  We have talked about this trip for weeks so we had one bummed little girl on our hands.  We tried to think of somehow to make it up to her and make the day super exciting!  First she went outside to play with her daddy -- I went out to get some pictures about a half hour after them being out there and her little cheeks were two seconds away from frostbite so we had to drag her inside.  If she would have had it her way she would have stayed outside all morning!  And then this evening we went to the Y pool with our Pennsylvania cousins!  We drove a little extra to go to the Muncy pool and it was well worth it! 

They turned on the water slide!!!!!

Harper absolutely loved it! She probably went down at least 50 times!  She went down a gazillion with Daddy while I held Riley and took pictures, then Mommy wanted a turn so we switched and I went down a bunch with her.  Riley started getting fussy so I said that we could only go down three more times - Harper's response was "but we will not go home, then it is Daddy's turn".  I chuckled and let her know we were not leaving and yes she could continue down the slide.  Almost every other kid in the pool gave up and she would go down, jump out and start right back up the stairs -- she loved it!!  I had a million pictures to choose from all with this huge smile on her face!  She loved it!  

When they finally turned the slide off she had a great time with her cousins even though all three of their lips were blue and it was well past dinner time, but still it took bribing and coaxing to drag her out of the pool.  It was no Splash Lagoon but it was a pretty wonderful swim night!!


January 7th, 2015

Cereal time!!

Riley tried cereal for the first time tonight.  I think she liked it??  She made a nice little mess of it :)


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