Bloomsburg Fair
We went down to the Bloomsburg fair today for the first time and had a great time!! We saw lots of farm animals, lots of food vendors, lots of very high priced games and rides, as well as some very interesting people. A good interesting day all around!!!
Pretending to milk the cows was definitely one of Harper's favorite activities. She wanted to go back and do it again and again!
The monkey guy was pretty awesome as well!! The monkey took the dollar right out of her hand, gave her a high five, kissed her on the nose and then posed for this picture. It was awesome! Best use of a dollar at the fair! :)
Feeding butterflies was also pretty cool!! We were given a q-tip dipped in gatorade and then we went into a tent that was covered in butterflies. If you were still they would land on you (we were not still ), but you could also kind of scoop them up on your q-tip and hold them that way. It was pretty neat!!