Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

February 25th, 2014

Water Beads

Today we played with water beads in our sensory table and it was a lot of fun!  They are the beads that you can get in a florist dept at walmart, michaels - anywhere.  They are supposed to go in vases either for decorations or to slowly give water to plants.  They start out really tiny and then you let them soak overnight in water and they blow right up.  They are fine for little kids as long as they don't eat them, so Harper and I played together with them for a long time.  They are a weird almost spongy material that kind of bounce!  The big ones are really fun to squeeze and squish, but I tried to discourage that so we could get a few times out of them, then we will squish them to pieces :)  Harper loved scooping them up with her scooper, her hands and looking at herself in the ball.  Those are the last couple pictures and she thought it was hilarious!!


February 24th, 2014

Happy as a Clam!

Harper wanted to color today while we were in Mommy's craft room.  So we brought up her table and chairs, got out the crayons and away she went.  She was so focused!  The computer is out because she loves her music!  She listens to Pandora radio and loves watching when the next album cover comes on.  She usually stops what she is doing, announces it is a new one checks the screen, analyzes it and then back to work.  She was one happy little girl with her music and her crayons!!  You can tell in the last picture when she is just taking a little break and sucking her thumb :)


February 23rd, 2014

Who doesn't love to try and squish a pair of Mr. Potato head glasses on :)


February 22nd, 2014

Oh we can't wait for spring!! Today we had our first taste of it and we were hooked!  I am pretty sure we reached 50 degrees today and to us it felt like a heat wave!!  First Harper and I went out for a nice long walk and when we came back she had to go find Daddy - which meant walking and falling through mud.  After realizing it was okay to get muddy she had a blast!! She loved playing with the water out of the down spout, jumping in puddles and running up and down the hill.  She was soaked and filthy by the time I had to drag her inside - and yes I really did have to drag her inside - it had been a few hours, she was soaked and it wasn't that warm out.  The best thing is that two soaks and two washes later I somehow managed to get those pants clean again :)  Pretty proud of that fact :) 

Happy Almost Spring!


February 21st, 2014

Polka Dot Bath!

We have pretty exciting bath times around here :) Today we had a polka dot bath, polka dots everywhere!!!  Including a dance party and our rubber duckies floating on the dots.  It was pretty exciting!  Harper loves Pandora radio - we created a "Hakuna Matata" station and she loves checking to see what the album cover is when a new song comes on - she is a goof ball!  She loves it so much that we even had to have it in the bathroom during our bathtime!   Makes an exciting bath!! 

Oh and this last picture is our tangly mess -- how in the world do you get out little girl tangles?  We have a gazillion!  This was the last and final tangle in her hair - looking at the start I thought I was in big trouble - then it wasn't so bad we were working through it and we came to this little rats nest.  I had no idea how in the world I was going to work at that one.  A lot of time and mommies conditioner later we had most of it out.  If anyone knows the secret let me know because we have lots of tangles!!


February 18th, 2014


I went up to get Harper out of her crib after nap time today and I asked what Mama and Harper should do this afternoon.  Without hesitation her answer was "project, paint, handprints".  It was like her brain kept churning - lets do a project, wait lets do a project with paint and then better yet lets make paint handprints.  So how could I say no to that :)  We had a fun afternoon painting and making a mess!!


February 15th, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!
We had a fun valentine bath today - hearts, hearts, more hearts and even pink water.  Harper loved chasing the hearts all over the bathtub and trying to scoop them up in her cup!! She also loved sticking them to the wall -- Happy Valentine's Day!


February 13th, 2014

Another snowy snowy day!!

Today we painted some valentine marble pictures which then led into handprints (Harpers idea), some cloud dough fun, and then we made blueberry muffins.  And since all of this wore mommy out the last picture is Harper and Daddy reading while Mommy cooked dinner.  Another fun day!!


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