Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

January 30th, 2014

Chocolate Cloud Dough!!

I HIGHLY recommend this dough to anyone with kids -- it was super easy to make and Harper loved it.  She played with it for over an hour and a half.  We got the recipe off of a fun website called Growing a Jeweled Rose -  here is the link to her recipe - Chocolate Cloud Dough.  They also said that it lasts forever so you can put it away and bring it out next year if you want.  It is soft and squishy and moldable and smells like chocolate -- how wonderful is that!!!  We added some dollar store hearts, some measuring cups and spoons and we had a terrific afternoon!!  It also vacuums up nice and easy in case any spills over - which is pretty much a definite!! :)  


January 28th, 2014

Fun afternoon of SLIME :)  While Harper was sleeping today I whipped up a batch of winter snow slime and chocolate cloud dough.  We decided to play with the slime today and it was lots of fun!!  Took us a while to get used to the crazy texture but then we loved it.  We also love throwing in random impromptu "Head, Shoulder's, Knees and Toes song"  which is why we ended up with slime all stuck in our hair -- oops :)  Oh well, it was a fun afternoon!  Chocolate Cloud Dough for another day!!


January 23rd, 2014

The cold is making us stir crazy so we decided to get out some of our fancy new watercolors and paint some fun Valentine's Hearts.  It was just the pick me up we needed.  Harper loved painting them and they are the best splash of color on the windows to cheer up this dreary weather.  

Guess I should have taken an after picture of the hearts on the window to share all that cheer with you.  Maybe I will work on that :)


January 22nd, 2014

Daddy Tickles!


January 21st, 2014

Happy Birthday Pop!!!

We may not have said it on the phone or the computer, but we were saying it all day long!!!  We hope you had a great day!


January 20th, 2014

We had a fun day at Treasure Castle today.  It is an indoor playscape right in South Williamsport yet we had never been there.  We went this afternoon with our friends Sandy and Caleb and had a great time.  It is pretty similar to a McDonald's playscape inside for older kids and then a mini bounce house, play kitchen and puppets for younger kids.  Of course Harper wanted to be up with the big kids - the sign says 4 and up, but after a while she took over and no one seemed to care.  She did not go on all of the big kid things, but small ones were I could still see her she loved it.  This one tunnel she loved crawling back and forth through -- even though she had the hardest time figuring out the mesh sections.  I think she used all upper body and just pulled herself across all of them.  It was pretty funny.  I love her concentration face in the second picture.  Then after playing for an hour or so we treated ourselves to a blue slush puppie and it turned our tongue blue!!  Harper loved looking in the silly mirror at herself and her crazy tongue!   


January 19th, 2014

So the big princess' are growing up which means their little princess dresses are being passed down to the next little princess in line :)  Today we had our usually Sunday night dinner and it is never unusual for either Ava or Elaina or both of them to come over in their fancy princess dresses -- they LOVE wearing them.  Well today they had a special treat, they have outgrown one of their dresses and it was time to pass it on to Harper.  So tonight all three of them had dinner in their fancy princess dresses.  Wish I could have captured a picture of all three of them, but pinning them down is a very difficult task!!  

Thanks Girton's - we love our princess dress!!!


January 17th, 2014

Sleepy Baby Girl -- not sleepy enough for a big laugh :)  


January 15th, 2014


January 13th, 2014

The weather felt nice today so we took advantage of it.  I think it was only 45 degrees but that was enough for us to think it was at least 60 in our minds :)  We played outside for a while, went for a nice long walk and then played outside some more.  It was nice to take in some fresh air -- its super early, but we are ready for Spring!!


January 12, 2014

Harper and Daddy love sharing their cookies!!  Even though I am pretty sure Harper eats a lot more of the cookie than daddy!!

Then we had a SUPER fun bath night tonight!! Not only did we color the bath water purple, we also had mommy and daddy home for bath and we brought out our cool bath tubes.   We had water flying everywhere and Harper would just giggle and giggle!!  She loved getting blasted with water -- she would say "its raining".  She would also concentrate really really hard to try and put the tubes together herself -- she is one determined little girl.  Overall it was a super fun bathtime!! Thanks Aunt Kerri and Uncle Todd for making us the bath tubes for christmas!!


January 11, 2014

We went to our friends house for a little play date today and they decided to lay out all the blankets and pillows to lay down for a movie.  Of course Harper lasted two seconds, but for those two seconds it was pretty cute.  When popcorn came out she was even happier :)


January 10th, 2014

This is how we go out nowadays!  Looking pretty cool!!


January 9th, 2014

When I uploaded the pictures today I realized I only picked up the camera today when Harper was being a goofball :)  Which around here happens quite a bit. 

After naptime we came down for lunch and as she was eating lunch her hair was EVERY WHERE!!!  It just made me laugh how out of control it was.  So that was picture #1.

Then later in the day I was trying to cook dinner and she comes flopping in wearing my shoes.  She actually started with a different pair of shoes, then walked back and tried again with the sneakers.  That is picture #2.

And picture #3 are Harper's new sunglasses!!  Lately whenever we go out and it is remotely sunny Harper yells "EYES" at the top of her lungs in the saddest voice ever.  Like her eyes are slowly dying.  I have tried giving her my sunglasses, tried the sun shades (which are never in the right spot) and I have tried some local stores to buy sunglasses.  Of course they don't come into the stores until it is a little bit warmer and people are actually thinking of the sun.  So we turned to the internet and found a pair that seem pretty awesome -- they are supposed to be kid proof :)  Well so far she loved them, we will see if they actually stay on.


January 7th, 2014

Harper decided to get out her hat and put it on herself this morning.  


January 6th, 2014

At bedtime today Mommy had a hood on because it was freezing.  Well a hood on mommy meant Harper needed a Hat!  So we turned the random scarf in her room into a hat and she went running around everywhere proud of her Hat!


January 3rd, 2014



January 2nd, 2014

I made it!  One whole year of pictures -- I finished my project 365.  I am pretty happy with how well I kept up, sure I missed some days here and there but overall I have taken a gazillion pictures in the past year!! Just because the year is over doesn't mean I am going to stop.  I really think taking pictures each day helps me get better and better and even better yet it is fun to see Harper in all the crazy pictures!  So I am not stopping but I have found myself taking a mini break these past couple days.  Maybe it is the darkness and bitter cold that has crept upon us - who knows.  But even though there is a little lull I promise I will keep posting pictures of Little Miss Harper - and maybe even Kurt every once in a while!


December 31st, 2013

New Year's Eve Party!

We intended to head down to the YMCA and have a little fun swimming as our big New Year's Eve event.  Well they decided to close an hour earlier than what their website said :( Boo.  So we went swimming but it was for about 15 minutes after the lady nicely let us in for free saying we only had a few minutes.  Harper wasn't too sure about the water at first but of course by the end she absolutely loved it and refused to come out of the water.   Wish we had more time -- guess that just means we will have to go again.  

After the swimming fun we headed back to our house with the Girton's and Grammy and Pop and Nana Sue came to visit us.  We had lots of fun eating, eating and more eating.  We set up a little mini photo booth and Ava absolutely loved it!!  The Girton family ran away with the photo booth, guess they are just the movie stars in the family :) hehehe  I love some of Ava's pictures in the photo booth -- she was hamming it up!!  It was a great New Year's Eve had by all!


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