Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

November 27th, 2013

Mommy & Harper picture -- every once in a while I attempt to take a picture of the two of us using the remote.  Well if you look close Harper took this picture -- I think she is going to be a pretty good photographer  (but her profession is going to be dentistry! -- that is a story for another day) 

Movie Afternoon!!
Harper was coming down with a cold and not really herself after her nap today, so I thought it was a perfect afternoon to watch our first movie together!  (I was thinking we would watch Frosty or Rudolph or one of those short 30 min movies but we don't own any and couldn't find them on TV -- so Muppets Christmas Carol it is!) She loved it!! You have to understand she has not watched any tv or movies or anything up to this point so she was AMAZED at what was on the tv.  I could have left it on the menu screen with Kermit the frog saying "it's time to hit play" for 20 minutes and she would have been a happy camper!!  But I hit play and we watched the whole movie.  She loved when they sang -- she would clap and dance then move on until she heard another song.  It was lots of fun!!   


November 26th, 2013


We had our first decent snow today so of course we had to get outside and play in it.  That sounded like a good idea until we actually went into the snow and Harper immediately became immobile.  She was glued to whatever spot I left her in -- until we safely made it to the garage and we could play with a roof over our head and no snow under our feet :)  It didn't help it was really heavy snow and it was sleeting/raining/snowing/ yucky while we were out there, but Daddy was out plowing so we had to be out there to see him!  (We love our Daddy)  The whole time he was plowing near the garage she was waving ferociously saying "HI DADDY, HI DADDY" over and over and over again!!  

Thank you Reagan for our super cool snowsuit and boots -- it fits perfect and we love it!!  They will definitely get lots of use this year!!  (When she first asked to go out I told her she had to put on her snowsuit but we could go see Daddy, well the snowsuit looked a little too close to her pjs.  She cried "no night night" -- I had to convince her it was not pj's but a snowsuit.  When we finally had them on towards the door she realized she did not have to go to sleep and it was just fine -- but it took a while!)


November 24th, 2013

This week our assignment was silhouettes and starbursts.  It was the first time I was able to shoot a starburst intentionally -- pretty cool!  I had to bribe Daddy and Harper to run outside first thing in the morning, all in our pj's in 17 degree weather -- they sure our troopers.  So I had less than 5 minutes to grab a few pictures and regarding the situation I think they turned out pretty good!


November 23rd, 2013

Unfortunately I think we have a little drummer on our hands :)  Tonight we had Tyson's birthday party and Harper had a blast!! She was running around like a crazy girl with all the other kids.  Well Tyson received a drum set for his birthday, the same drum set his cousin Landon has, so there were two sets at the party.  Harper was dying to get to them as soon as Tyson opened them but Tyson and Landon are hardcore drummers!! As soon as the boys were finally finished Harper jumped right in and never left.  The Fisher's think we really need a drum set for Christmas -  I think at the moment we are just fine playing the drums when we go visit the Fishers :)


November 22nd, 2013

Holiday Parade!

Tonight we headed out in the drizzly cold rain to watch the Holiday parade.  We weren't sure if we were going to go because of the weather but we decided it only happens once a year and we had a great time -- freezing cold drizzly rain and all!  This picture doesn't really show it but Harper had a blast!  She danced every time a band came by, loves grabbing the candy they throw and was super impressed by the big "balloons" (floats).  So we had a great time!! It is going to be a super fun december!


November 21st, 2013

Sensory Bin

Time to change up our sensory bin -- we used to have the Halloween beans but now we have candy cane rice.  Not only is it red and white but it also smells like peppermint.  It is too cold outside anymore so we decided to bring it into the mud room to play.  It was going awesome until Harper thought it was hilarious to shovel rice on the floor over and over and over again.   Slowly we will figure out that we need to keep it in the bin, until then I get to vacuum up rice everywhere :)


November 19th, 2013

We went for a walk outside today to check out the final grading -- it is almost done!!!  We of course could not go for a walk without going to pick berries -- Harper is obsessed with them for some reason.  If you look close in all of the pictures she has a tight little grip on a few of them.  


November 18th, 2013

Sleeping baby -- so peaceful.


November 17th, 2013

Rudolph arrived at our house!!

We decorated for Christmas yesterday -- yes I know a little early, but too bad!!  In decorating we found some rudolph noses and Harper loved them.  It looks like I photoshopped it on but that is her flashing nose.  The best was when we showed her what she looked like in the mirror.  She thought she looked like a goofball :)


November 15th, 2013

Naked Baby!!

Harper loves running around without her diaper on and loves playing on Mommy and Daddy's bed.  So I figured we better take some pictures :)  Here she is being a goofball on our bed :)

And then we had an AMAZING night!!  We put the slide into the kiddie pool with all the balls!  Harper LOVED it!! She played in there for an hour and would have stayed longer if she wasn't tired and goofy and trying to stand on top of the slide.  She loved it!!  It was nighttime so it was hard to get any good lighting but here are a couple action shots!!

The calm before the storm....



A couple times we asked if she was done and she said "No, No".  She would run up the stairs, slide down into the balls, jump up and run around to do it again!  She had a blast.  I do think we need a bigger pool though as daddy had to be the automatic ball return and keep scooping them back up.


Phone Talking

Harper has a new love for talking on the phone!  It started when I would be driving home from work on Monday or Tuesday nights and it is usually just about bedtime, well Kurt would put her on speaker phone and we would talk as I drove home.  Or sometimes Daddy would be at work and we would give him a call, put him on speaker phone and she would listen away.  Well she LOVES it!! And to be honest she is AWESOME with the phone.  She knows she has to hold it really carefully and if she bumps a button she runs it right over to us because she knows she may have hung up on the person.  

Here she is talking to her Grandma Birdie.  She looks like she is a 16 year old trying to multi task while she draws with her crayons and talks on the phone -- goofball!!


November 13th, 2013


November 12th, 2013 - Silhouettes

Our homework assignment in our photo class this week is to take silhouettes.  So lucky you -- you guys get to see all of our attempts.  It is actually quite fun to shoot silhouettes.  You need to expose for the sky and then place your subject in front of the light source and you will get a silhouette.  They aren't all technically from today -- but they are from the past few days and edited today so here they are :)


November 11th, 2013

Unexpected fun day together!!

Normally Mondays our are busy days, but today we had a very light work day so it was a day of fun!! After a quick trip in for work we headed to the library to run into our big cousins and hang out there for a while.  We came home and did some boring stuff (had lunch, vacuumed, took a nap).  Then we put on our tutu and went for a walk outside to look for our kitty buddy.  (There is a cat who is super friendly and can be found hanging out near the barn, but not today :( ) After checking out the barn we played around the garage, then went to check out the garden.  Picked our brussel sprouts and cabbage and then Daddy came home and we went inside to warm up.  After that we went downstairs to play and decided to try out our easel for the first time.  After that super fun time we went upstairs to make some quicksand dough.  That was super fun!!  Then we cleaned up, had dinner, played with Daddy and went to bed.  What a busy fun day!! It was nice to have a light Monday!

I love this face -- she was trying to give me a kiss and she kept coming closer and closer and closer!!

Another kissy face :)

Serious brussel sprout picker!! We don't mess around :)

Having an awesome time with our crayons!!

Super fun quicksand dough!! Harper loved watching it slowly drip down!!  It is just a combination of sand, corn starch, coloring and water.

Happy Monday!!!


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