Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

Jamming Out Video

We love jamming out to this song -- over and over and over again.  When the camera comes out she is a little bit shy, but you can still get the idea :)


August 28th, 2013

Daddy finished Harper's super cool water/sand table!!!  The top is a rubbermaid bucket that slides out super easy so we can replace it with beans, sand, rice, anything we want and still keep them in the bins.  It is just perfect, he did a great job.  Today we just started with water, maybe next week we will give sand a try :)  


August 26th, 2013

Daddy and Harper playing with their crazy eggs.  There are probably 5 different ways that you can match the eggs and of course Harper just wants to dump them all over while Daddy wants them all put together perfectly.  It is one of their favorite games and they both drive each other crazy!!  It is so fun to sit back and watch.


August 25th, 2013


August 24th, 2013

A couple weeks ago Kerri and I went out for a girls night and we started at a new paint your own ceramic place.  It was terrific -- we had a great time and will definitely go back.  The hardest part was figuring out what to paint, after lots of wandering I decided to incorporate Harper into it.  This is the main reason as to why it is now a few weeks later and it is finally finished.  It was a couple step process so that I could bring her in, stamp her feet and then go back by myself and finish.  But I love the end result!!  Now I may have to do one for each season :)  Kerri made a super cool plate as well (but i don't have a picture of that to show you, you will just have to take my word)  


August 23rd, 2013

Beep Beep -- here we come.  

And for some reason climbing through the windshield seems like a good idea :)  


Hard Drive Crash

Sorry about they delay and slacking in the blog.  Our hard drive crashed about a week or so ago and I just cannot get back on top of pictures.  We did not have our computer for a week, of course they could not access the hard drive and the last time I backed up pictures was June 30th.  Luckily the local camera store thought he could get the pictures off of our camera card.  But he is still working on that and for some reason I just cannot get back into the blog.  But I will, I am here tonight to try and catch up for the last week.  Which brings me to my other thought, who is reading this blog.  Anybody besides my mom? :) (Hi Mom) -- if you are leave me a comment so I know who is still following. -- Thanks!


August 20th, 2013

Fried Green Tomatoes

If anybody needs a green tomato picker Harper is your girl.  She thinks it is hilarious to pick all of the green tomatoes out of the garden.  Not the red ones, that would be silly, just the green ones.    


August 18th, 2013


August 17th, 2013

Another cute close up twinkle eye picture.  I guess I just can't get enough of them.  I love seeing her little face and the sparkle in her eyes.


August 16th, 2013

Fun night out at the park.  
We found a park near our house that is perfect for Harper.  There is a little section that she can do all by herself except for one ladder area.  She loved climbing up the stairs, going down the slide all by herself and peaking through the window.  We met the Girton's at the park for a fun Santino's picnic dinner and a little park time. 

Perfect Summer Friday Night!


August 15th, 2013

My new favorite picture :)
I love that smile and twinkle in her eye!


August 14th, 2013

Little League Time!!

Today kicked off the Little League World Series week so we decided to head downtown and enjoy the parade.  Since this is by far the longest, slowest parade in the history of the world, we had a little fun fountain time before the start.  All three girls love enjoying the fountain.  It is so fun playing with our cousins!!!

Earlier in the day we had a fun time picking some flowers while the wind blew through our hair :)

What a wonderful day :)


August 13th, 2013

We have been so busy lately that we have only been able to pull the camera out for a few minutes right before bed time.  But tonight I realized we could flip the camera around with our new lens and take pictures of the two of us.  They are never great pictures but they are always really fun and some of my favorite pictures.  Below is one from tonight :)  

Oh and Harper now knows that the picture pops up on the screen so after every picture she says something along the lines of "let me see" and needs to see the picture.  It is pretty cute!!


August 12th, 2013

Big girl playing with her baby doll.  She loves caring for her babies!!


August 11th, 2013


August 8th, 2013


August 7th, 2013

Finally made it to Toys R Us to celebrate Harper's birthday with her birthday club card.  The best part of the trip was getting the free balloon.  She held on to the string all the way through dinner.  She loves her new balloon!!


August 6th, 2013

We took the summer off from story time so we have not been going to the library regularly.  We decided to stop in today and actually spend an hour there, wowsers Harper had a great time!! She was bouncing off the walls like a ping pong ball.  Checking out the train table, then the camping tent and the deer, then the books, then the lego wall.  She was bouncing from thing to thing, which is why these pictures are not so good.   I could not take a second to catch her before we were off again.  


August 5th, 2013

What happened to my little baby?  
Looking through these pictures today she just looks so big running all over the park.

And here is her latest accessory -- her cool bracelet.  Yes it is the yellow ring from the stacker rings, but she thinks it is the coolest bracelet.  In fact yesterday she would not let Kurt put her down for nap without leaving it on.  So she slept the whole time with her cool yellow bracelet.  


August 4th, 2013

Trying to get outside and enjoy the sunshine before summer is over and its gone.  Can't believe it is already August!

We went for a walk up the hill to play in the fields because they were just cut.  
Then of course we had to eat a popsicle.

Checking out all of the hay and trying to figure it out.

Daddy -- do NOT take that popsicle away from me :)

Working hard to suck up all the juice.

And lastly, trying to show me that cute purple little tongue :)


August 3rd, 2013

CORN, CORN, and more CORN

We spent ALL day shucking, cooking, cutting and freezing around 400 ears of corn!!  Luckily we had great company to make hard work very enjoyable!!  

Harper LOVES eating corn right off of the cob, she kept trying to steal some.  Here is a picture of her taking a little break to enjoy her delicious corn!!

It was hard work, but we had a blast and actually can't wait until next year when we get to do it again :)

Thanks Girton's!!


August 1st, 2013

Nothing like a good old hug! 
I love this picture!


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