Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

May 30th, 2013

Somebody managed to wriggle out of her diaper today.  The velcro is going bad on this diaper so we knew it was loose, but we turned the corner and there she was with her little butt hanging out and her diaper wrapped around her leg.  Goofball!!


May 29th, 2013

Little Miss Piggly Wiggly

Harper devoured everything we had in the fridge tonight for dinner.  She had a full grilled cheese, a chicken nugget, a whole apricot, two strawberries and some graham crackers.  She also ate them at mock speed.  So quickly that I had to put my hand over the other food so she would not eat it and choke.  Which then prompted her to get quite angry with me through her stuffed chubby cheeks.  It was very difficult not to laugh.  Guess she is a growing girl!


May 28th, 2013

I love this cutey patooty face!!!


May 27th, 2013

Harper is our little monkey.  We went for a bike ride and ended up at the park today with our big cousins.  As they were running around there was not alot that Harper could play on.  She is not a huge fan of the swings so we decided to play at the bottom of the slide.  She was loving it and as we sat there she kept trying to climb up the slide.  She was getting maybe a foot and then would slide back down but she was determined.  Since she was sitting with her Dad, Uncle and Grandpa I said take her socks off and see how far she could get.  Thinking she would get maybe two feet.  Nope she climbed ALL the way to the top of the slide -- without any help.  I was absolutely amazed!!  And of course once she was at the top she just kept on going!!  I am surprised she is scared of the swings but seems to have absolutely no fear of anything else.  

PS -- check out her cool Memorial Day outfit!!  Red, White and Blue  :)


May 26th, 2013

The house up the road was having a yard sale this weekend and as I drove by this little push cart was screaming to me!  It said buy me, buy me :) haha So on the way home from work I stopped and for 1 dollar I picked it up.  Best dollar spent in a long time!  Washed it up a little bit and now Harper has her own walking cart.  I think we are in trouble now!  She is super close to walking and this purchase will just roll it along I am sure.


Happy Birthday Grammy!
We celebrated her birthday today and tried to get a shot of her with all her grandgirls.  It was a tough job but we did all right. :)


May 25th, 2013

Every little girl loves playing with strollers, baby dolls and purses!!

We went to our friend Gavin's first birthday party today and we had a terrific time!! We love playing with new and exciting toys and friends!


May 24th, 2013

Another dinner time post.  Harper has been eating more and more solids lately.  She loves the independence of feeding herself.  She also likes using her fork instead of just picking up the pieces with her hands.  So I will put the food on the fork, hand it to her, she takes her bite and then hands the fork back. It is really cute.  This picture doesn't really tell the whole picture, luckily we also have video of it as well.  


May 23rd, 2013

Built in sippy cup holder :)

For dinner tonight we put one of the bibs that has a pocket at the bottom to collect all of the dropped food (it happens to be ALOT) on Harper.  Well she realized what a terrific way to keep her sippy cup close at all times.  She ate her whole dinner like this, loving the fact that she could stop periodically and take a sip of water.  A few times she even did a no hands sip because it was in such a convenient location.


May 21st, 2013

1st Birthday Present of the Year

We received a cool package in the mail today from our friends Logan and Reagan in CT.
It had lots of awesome clothes and our first birthday present.  Kurt really wanted us to wait until her birthday, but there is no way in the world I could wait, so why should Harper :) haha  Plus it is more fun to spread it out over a couple months :)  So today we opened our first present and she was pretty good at ripping it open!!  

Thank you Logan, Reagan, Erin and Kevin for our awesome animal magnets.  We love them!!!  We opened them during the day today and played for a long time with them.  Then when I came home from work she was near the fridge and she would pull the cow off the fridge drop it so I would pick it up and put it back up and then do it all over again.  Simple game little ones love to play but this was accompanied by barrels of laughs.  It was hilarious, she just kept rolling on the floor laughing, she thought she was hilarious :)  So thank you so much for the smiles and laughs!!  Thank you for the magnets and thank you for the awesome clothes!  We love them and all of the clothes you send!!
Good luck on your move -- we are thinking about you lots and lots!  Can't wait to hear about the next chapter in your guys life!!


May 20th, 2013

Hanging out in Mommy and Daddy's bathtub :)
We resort to interesting measures so that I can take a shower.  We have a jumper in the bathroom and somedays that works while I shower, other days she just roams around the bathroom (we have everything baby proofed so she can't get into anything).  Well she has realized where I am while she is roaming around the bathroom so she likes to open up the curtain and try to come into the shower.  So to take a shower I have to keep one foot on the side of the shower curtain to hold it down and keep her out.  It is interesting to say the least!  So once in a while we switch it up and put her in our great big garden tub.  It is like a mini built in play pen in the bathroom.  Here she is enjoying the tub :)


May 19th, 2013

Little Miss Determined

As you can tell by this picture she is bound and determined to do everything by herself.  She is getting pickier and pickier about eating because she wants to do it all by herself.  She will eat puree if she can put the spoon into her mouth herself, she will eat regular food if she can do it.  That is just fine if the stars align and it happens to be the food she likes that minute, she is in the right mood and everything is right in the world.  Sometimes she eats very well and sometimes it is quite a struggle.  I believe this picture is a grilled ham and cheese sandwich and from the stuffed mouth she loved it!


May 18th, 2013

Cheeser :)


May 17th, 2013


Today was a camera clicking day -- we just clicked :) haha

When we got home today we went searching for Daddy like we do everyday.  I really think Harper loves that part of our day!  We walk around outside until we find him then we all sit on the grass and play for a while until Daddy has to go back to work and we have to go in and get dinner.  She gets so excited!  She loves climbing all over him, stealing his ear buds, his safety glasses, his gloves or anything else he has.  She sure loves her Daddy!!

I love all of the following pictures.  I think they really show the love between the two of them (except for the first picture -- I just like that one :) )


May 16th, 2013

Thank you Grandma Birdie and Grandpa Pop for my fun new outfit.


May 15th, 2013

Harper and her Daddy!!

She loves her daddy to pieces.  
They laugh and giggle and yell and wrestle and tickle and have a great time!!


Almost Walking

Pretty soon she is going to be walking :) 
Here she is playing with her big cousins push toy and cruising all over the place!


May 13th, 2013

Little Miss Independent
She is putting up a big stink to eat unless she feeds herself.  


May 12th, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

I am one lucky momma!!


May 11th, 2013

Happy 10 months!

Harper has made leaps and bounds this month!
She can pull herself up to a standing position with ease.  
She can move a couple steps holding on to things before she remembers it is quicker to crawl.
She has realized in a dress she can't crawl as easily - so she bear walks -- butt way up in the air, legs straight :)
She has mastered stairs on her first try :( (the whole stairwell, not just one)
She now has four teeth on top and two on the bottom.
She loves eating berry berry kix, wheat thins, french bread, pizza crust, goldfish and of course yogurt!
(looks like she is a little bit of a carb lover!)
She tried ice cream and frozen yogurt -- she likes them -- but LOVES regular yogurt!)
She loves reading her board book about baby's!  
She can say hi, uh-oh and daddy pretty clearly!
And she loves making silly faces and sounds!!  She is our little rough and tumble goofball and we love her to pieces!!!


May 10th, 2013

This is the one and only picture I took today.  I had to wake her up from her nap and she looked so cute so I thought I would try and take a picture.  I got one snap, but of course the camera focusing and taking the picture really woke her up.  Good to know for future sleeping shots :)


May 8th, 2013

Pictures to tell a story -- can you guess the story here?

You got it -- Harper had her yogurt all to herself tonight.  Boy did she LOVE it!!  At first she did not understand that she was allowed to grab her bowl (most the time we do not let her -- because of this outcome :) )  So I gave her a few spoonfuls and she would just sit there with her mouth wide open wanting more.  I tried to put it on the spoon and get her to put it in her mouth -- still didn't really work.  Then she realized she had control of the bowl and she was loving it.  After licking every inch of the bowl she realized she dumped it on the tray and just started licking the tray.  It was comical!  Needless to say we had bath time after dinner :)  But it sure was worth it -- she loved it!!


May 7th, 2013

Who is this cute baby in the mirror :)

I love this picture, we were trying to do a pinterest photography re-creation and it came out pretty well :)

She loves looking in mirrors, so much that she was giving this cute baby kisses.  


May 6th, 2013

We have been having terrific weather lately so we decided to get outside and enjoy it.


May 5th, 2013

Look who found the tupperware cabinet.  Well she has now found every cabinet, but we only let her into the tupperware one.  We are re-stacking them daily.  But since it makes her feel like she is up to no good, we play along :)  


May 4th, 2013

We attempted to have a little water table time tonight.

The plan is to use these tubs and make a table that will hold the tub so we can have a water/sand table that she can stand at.  (It is probably going to be her birthday present so don't let her know :) )  She enjoyed the table for a few minutes but the idea of eating the rocks in the driveway was much more exciting.  


May 3rd, 2013

My beautiful Ballerina with her 1st pony tail.  Yes she absolutely has enough hair for a pony tail -- pretty crazy!! I think I need to start learning how to braid and do fun things with hair now.  And not only do I need to learn how to do them, but I need to figure out how to do things on a quick wiggly baby :)  For now we will stick with just three choices -- pigtails, ponytail or barrettes.  


May 2nd, 2013

Big Hug

This picture may not look like much but I love it because it is a great big hug.  Harper really loves her Daddy and here is a great big hug to show it :)
This morning I brought her into the room and she very very vividly said "Daddy Hi".  She definitely has the word Hi down but I wasn't sure about Daddy until now.  


May 1st, 2013

Harper is such a smiley baby that almost all of her pictures are of a bright eyed smiley baby.  I absolutely love her smile, but I love this picture because it shows her sweet little angelic face.  Sometimes it is nice to see a different side :)

But in case you missed her smiley little face -- here you go :)


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