Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

13 Weeks

Here Comes The Belly :(    :)

13 Weeks


12 Weeks

12 Weeks

We have made it to twelve weeks and the house is coming right along.  They have all of the outside walls framed in, just waiting for the roof.  

Right now we are standing in our future kitchen.


11 Weeks

11 Weeks -- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


We celebrated the new year with the Fisher family and what a wonderful time to share the news with them.  They are thrilled!! Lisa screamed so loud she scared Tyson :)  It was wonderful to share our news with such good friends.  Then we went on to party for New Year's.  It was a big bash complete with an ice cream bar and all of us with one eye open trying not to fall asleep at midnight.  I have a feeling next year will be even more difficult to make it to midnight :)


10 Weeks

10 Weeks - Shader Family Christmas

We all made it together for the Savage Family Christmas and Mallory's Graduation.  It was the first time in a LONG time that we had all made it together.  It was great celebrating the holidays with everyone, but even harder keeping such a large secret from everyone.

10 Weeks

We told my family this weekend on Christmas morning.  After all of the presents were open Dad had one more he had to work for.  He had to follow his scavenger hunt until it ended in the kitchen with a bun in the oven.  Everyone was thrilled, Gabe for some reason thinks he knew (but he didn't).  It was wonderful finally being able to share the news.  Then after a long drive back to PA we decided we needed our ten week picture, so we were both looking wonderful in the 10 week shots :)


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