Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

Lyndsay, Kurt, Harper & Riley

Mountain Pie Making

Mountain Pie Making

Kurt came up with the great idea that it was time for a fire and mountain pie making dinner.  So we grabbed the mountain pie makers, bread and a gazillion stuffers and out we went.  Harper had a great time, pretty soon she will be making her own mountain pies.




Thank you Aunt Kerri for helping to create my pretty mobile.  We saw the idea on Pinterest and Kerri was wonderful enough to go ahead and make the colorful yarn balls so all I had to do was string it all into a mobile.  Well we finally got everything all set and Harper loves it!  She laid in her crib for about 20 minutes just listening to the music and watching the mobile turn.  And 20 minutes in baby time is close to eternity :)


Future Ballerina

Future Ballerina

We received a pink tutu for a gift and could not resist playing dress up.  We look forward to actually fitting into this tutu in a few months :)  


Little League World Series

Little League World Series

We took Harper to her first Little League World Series game tonight.  It was not her first baseball game because we took her to a Cross Cutters Game when she was 10 days old.  So far she has slept through both of them :)  Guess she isn't a big fan of baseball.  Anyways here are a few pictures.

Snoozing at the Famous Howard J Lamade Stadium.

Hanging out with Daddy before the game starts.

I am sure we will have to bring cardboard in a few years so we can slide down the famous hill.  (I kind of think it is slightly weird, but I imagine it is lots of fun!)

The end of a great night :)


Sweetie Pie

Sweetie Pie


1 Month

1 Month

I cannot believe that one month has already passed.  How quickly time flies!!  We are still doing terrific!  She is a good sleeper, both during the day and at night.  She is up more and more during the day, but a good portion of the time she is happy as a clam.  Other times that is not quite the case.  Overall she is one happy baby!!


Crazy Hair

Crazy Hair

Whenever we go anywhere the main thing we here is "WOW, look at all that hair".  Nobody can look at Harper without mentioning her hair.  People have commented that their child was born with hair but even still Harper puts them to shame or older men have mentioned that she was born with more hair than they have (alot of times that is true).  So we have tried our hardest to capture pictures of all that hair just in case it should fall out (we sure hope not).  The best part is pictures do not do it justice.  Every time I think I will get a great picture of just how crazy her hair is, it never actually looks as crazy as it does in person.  Guess the camera just loves her already :)

A little poufy.

A little spikey.

This is the "comb over/I just took a bath look"

I decided with all of this hair we might as well enjoy it and use lots of headbands and clips.  The hard part is finding a good way to use them :)  Not so bad in this picture -- a little spikey.

But then from the side view if you look close you can see that the head band just accentuates the spikey craziness :)

This is the "Albert Einstein look" and the determination that it is time to take a bath :)


Wide Awake

Wide Awake

Harper is slowly waking up more and more.  When she first came home from the hospital she just slept and slept and slept.  Not that she is awake all the time now, but we do get to see those beautiful eyes a little bit more often nowadays.

We are also learning how we can work together and have some fun outside of the house :)  Look at this fancy get up that we put together to pick blueberries.  Thank goodness we live in the middle of nowhere and don't have to worry about looking like fools :)


Model Material :)

Model Material :)
Another Photo Shoot 


1st Bath

1st Bath

We decided after a week it was time for our first bath.  Harper decided she HATES to take a bath!!  

Overall, we all survived!!  


Can't take our eyes off of her :)

Can't take our eyes off of her :)

We just can't stop staring at her.  She is just perfect in our eyes.  I think we have probably taken a thousand pictures in the past 5 days. Here are a few of our favorites, which is very hard to pick.



39 Weeks

39 Weeks
Almost 1 week old

Here we are at 39 weeks -- someone is missing out of my belly :)

I still have no idea how she fit in there -- tight fit :)

And here she is 1 week old.  Our family of three.


38 Weeks -- Hospital Time

38 Weeks

38 Weeks and 2 days

(we kept saying we needed to get our 38 week picture in and then it was too late -- uh oh )

Here we are in the hospital parking lot.  Our last picture as just the two of us, from now on it will be the three of us :)

So Tuesday, July 10th Kurt woke up and started getting around for work.  After he went downstairs I decided to go to the bathroom really quick before I went back to bed for a few minutes.  Well when I went to the bathroom I was pretty sure my water broke but I was not sure, so I attempted to go back to bed.  About ten minutes later I knew I was not going to sleep so I got up to get some breakfast, and then my water definitely broke.  I called Kurt to let him know as he was supposed to head down to Sunbury for the day.  But I also told him I was not sure exactly what was going on but I would call the doctor.  Well I called and they said come right in, so I had to cancel my appointment and I told Kurt I would meet him at the hospital.  (I took my good old time, showered, packed all of our bags in the car and then headed to the hospital).  We got there about 8 (water broke about 6:30am) and they had us change and hang tight.  Well we don't hang tight very well so we began pacing the halls.  We walked and walked and walked and walked.  We would only come back to the room when the nurse needed to hook us up to monitors and machines, then back to walking.  The walking was working, but we were going on baby time, and she was not ready to come until Grandma and Grandpa Shader could arrive (wish she could have told us that).  About 4 contractions started getting quite painful, but we just kept on walking.  Then they started getting worse and worse and I was not getting up at all.  We decided to get some phetanol to ease the pain.  Well that did nothing but make them farther apart, it did not help make it any less painful.  It was too much, too much for me to bear and too much for Kurt to watch me go through.  So after an hour of so of just phetanol we decided to get an epidural.  I was scared to death of getting one, but we did.  Well it helped, did not take the pain away but it helped.  The problem was that meant I had to lay still and not move.  It was tough, but at about midnight it was time to push.  We started pushing and at 1:01am baby Harper Ella Stabler was born.  A healthy 7lbs 5 oz and 20 1/4 inches long.  When they placed her on my stomach all I could think of was she was perfect.  Perfect little lips, perfect little nose, just perfect.  We were in love and now a family of three :)

Happy Birthday Harper!


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